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Terapi alternatif
Preventative and therapeutic health care practices, such as acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy and herbal medicine. Generally do not follow accepted medical methods. May not require medical explanations for their success or use.
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Terapi alternatif > Terapi magnet
Terapi magnet
Terapi alternatif; Terapi magnet
Terapi magnet adalah penggunaan magnet dan alat listrik untuk menghasilkan medan magnet dalam dunia kesehatan.
- Akupunktur (951)
- Aromaterapi (84)
- Ayurveda (93)
- Hidroterapi (34)
- Homeopati (131)
- Kromoterapi (81)
- Naturopati (73)
- Osteopathy (439)
- Pemulihan bunga hitam (81)
- Psikoterapi alternatif (75)
- Refleksologi (38)
- Reiki (27)
- Shiatsu (33)
- Terapi diet (123)
- Terapi magnet (29)